Tag Archives: Mike Hobbs

Getting your business back on track

1 Jun


Time Management – Business Essentials

Getting your business back on track

Overwhelmed past participle, past tense of o·ver·whelm (Verb)


  1. Bury or drown beneath a huge mass.
  2. Defeat completely.

From time to time we all have to deal with the inevitable frustration of falling behind. There’s nothing like the feeling of knowing what you need to do; but not having the energy to play “catch up”.

When I was a kid, I can’t count how many homework assignments that never got done. It was like I’d get to a point where the pile would get so high that I’d literally give up trying.

Getting your business back on track can feel like that.

As adults, the dynamics change. The consequences get bigger and if you’re a business owner, procrastinating and distractions can be deadly!

Watch my friend and mentor Mike Hobbs explain why this happens and what you can do to avoid it in your business.

Thanks for stopping in.

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